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"In response to shifting climate circumstances, Climate Resilience is the capacity to adapt, learn, and engage in transformational change with the purpose of preventing catastrophic failure at a minimum and thriving at best."*
Welcome to Education for Climate Resilience
At Education for Climate Resilience, we believe in the transformative power of education to:
cultivate strong relationships
foster deep connections to place
learn about and from nature
create more equitable systems
inspire meaningful action
nurture leadership
We are committed to helping individuals and communities actively engage in climate resilience to create communities where we all can thrive.
*paraphrased from Brown, A., Dayal, A., & Rumbaitis, D. R. (2012). From practice to theory: Emerging lessons from Asia for building urban climate change resilience. Environment & Urbanization, 24 (2), 531-556. doi:10.1177/0956247812456490
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